

The working conditions of coal chemical system are complex and harsh, typical of which are abrasion resistance (such as gasification), low temperature (such as air separation, low temperature methanol washing, liquid nitrogen washing), high temperature (such as steam), toxic (such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide), flammable and explosive (such as oxygen, hydrogen, etc.), corrosion (such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid), etc.

Application System:

Air separation unit: Regulating Valve, Low temperature Butterfly Valve, Anti-surge Valve, High Pressure Ball Valve, etc.

Gasification apparatus: Control Valve, Black Water Ball Valve, High pressure Eccentric Butterfly Valve

Water treatment system: Lining Butterfly Valve, Anti-corrosion Eccentric Butterfly Valve, etc.

Related Products :

Control valve、Ball valve、Disc valve、Butterfly valve

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