Power Generation


Power companies are facing constant changes and are placing higher demands on themselves. Many factors such as energy renderability, energy efficient use, laws and regulations, environmental pressures, and labor make it harder for you to complete your business goals.

In order to achieve the goal of reducing costs, service convenience, and long-term operation of equipment, enterprises need to solve the special problems of high temperature, high pressure, high pressure difference and wear resistance in steam pipelines, water supply pipelines and ash pipelines of power system.

KOVOK expert team will work with you to help you reduce costs, improve service flexibility and proficiency of workers, improve the efficiency of manufacturing operations.

Application System:

Feedwater System: Desuperheater Water Spray valve, Boiler Feedpump Recirculation valve, Feedwater control valve, etc.

Steam System: Drain ball valve, Pressure Control Valve (PCV valve), Ash Soot-blower valve, Air vent valve, Steam Conditioning Valves, Turbine bypass valve, High temperature butterfly valve, Drain Valve, Blowdown valve, etc.

Ash Conveying System: Disc Valve, etc.

Water Treatment System: lining butterfly valve, anti-corrosion eccentric butterfly valve, etc.

Related products:

Control valve、Globe valve、Ball valve、Disc valve、Butterfly valve

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